Tuesday 14 August 2012

Premature Ejaculation is a sexual problem where the person ejaculates earlier than intended before the completion of the act. It might occur shortly before or after vaginal intercourse with your wife or girlfriend.
Sexual intercourse for a normal couple is known to last an average of 7.8 minutes. On the hand the duration might increasingly vary for a person with PE, but an average can be estimated at 1.8 minutes.

Reasons for premature ejaculation
Depression, stress and anxiety
Weak PC muscles
Highly sensitive penile skin
Guilt, embarrassment, fear of failure and other such psychological problems

Tips to stop premature ejaculation 

Start stop technique
This technique deals with stimulating the penis while stopping just short of orgasm. It helps to lower and increase arousal through periodic stimulation until the person is ready to finally ejaculate. It requires a certain level of mastery but can produce great results once you get the hang of it.

Squeeze method

This is a slight variation of the first method. Here too the male should stop short of ejaculating in order to prolong the act. He has to then gently squeeze the area of his penis where the glans meets the shaft to prevent climaxing. This helps to restrict blood flow in to the organ and helps to prevent premature ejaculation. With hold stimulation for about 30 seconds and start again until you want to finally ejaculate. An ideal way to go about this to for the male to practice it solo before both he and his wife can alternate to prolong sexual intercourse.

Kegel exercises

 This helps to strengthen your PC muscles (pubococcygeal muscles) which originate from the pubic bone and run up till the tail bone. Employ the start stop technique to regulate the flow of urine while peeing. Hold until a count of five seconds and release the flow. Repeat the process until you are finished urinating and practice the exercise for a period of four weeks. The method is known to produce positive results.

Condoms that have Benzocaine

Benzocaine is a mild form of anesthetic which can produce a slight numbing sensation to your penis. This can help you to delay ejaculation up to 5 minutes but results are known to vary with each person.

Medical assistance 

If none of results have shown improvement over a period of 4 weeks and your sex life still continues to suffer from PE, do not hesitate to seek medical assistance from a qualified medical professional.


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